
Basic Pet Care

2023-02-02 22:00

Basic Pet Care

A furry house full of happiness, love and much fun. If you have thought about having a pet or you already have one at home, you should know which are the care that will allow you to offer your pet well-being and quality of life.


Next you will find out which are the basic care your pet needs.


pet care 

Why should we take care of our pets?

A pet is a member of the family, for what they deserve all our love and special attention, they fill our lives with joy and their company gives us many benefits both physically and emotionally. On the other hand, we can provide them with care, commit to their health and ensure their well-being.

What kind of care should we have with pets?

Taking care of your furry is a way of expressing all your affection. If you wonder how to do it, here we tell you some of the basic care that you should give your pet, these are very simple tasks that will allow you to make it very happy:

  • Create a great place for your pet to rest.

  • Find a comfortable space and give your pet a bed based on her size so she can rest when she wants. Considering the place should be kept clean and in good repair.

  • Feed your pet when needed.


Please keep these three points in mind:

  • First of all, your pet needs a balanced diet, so you must feed it according to its needs;

  • Second, create a schedule for feeding your pet so you can create a routine;

  • Third, ask your trusted veterinarian what the ideal food for your pet is and how much you should be giving each day. So your fur will be full of life!

Concerned about your pet's health and checking that it is healthy

It is very important to take your furry animal to the veterinarian. You can make sure your pet is in good health by visiting your veterinarian regularly.


Also remember to keep your vaccinations up to date and follow a deworming schedule.

Exercising with your pet

Your pet should be physically active on a daily basis to avoid being overweight and other consequences of being sedentary.


Give your pet a place to play or go for a walk in your daily schedule. These activities are also great for you because you get your body moving, they make you feel great, and you might even get to meet more people through a walk or a trip to the park with your furry friend.


 dog care

If you have kids at home, teach them to care for and respect pets

If you have children, make them part of your pet care. In this way, you will teach them to care and respect animals.


You can include them in their care with simple activities:

  • Teach your little one to groom their pets. This way you can understand how important it is for our furry animals to keep clean every day.

  • Take them for a walk in the park. This will be one of your little one's favorite moments of the day.

  • Allow children to top up your pet's food according to established feeding times.


cat basic care 

When you go on vacation, think about your pet's health

Are you taking your furry on vacation? Pack your bags and follow these suggestions:

  1. Take into account the climate of where you're going: pack in your luggage items your pet may need, for example, a blanket to keep you warm if it's cold.

  2. Keep to your feeding schedule: Keep a portion of your pet's food with you so that if there are changes or unforeseen events, you can feed your pet at designated times in its routine.

  3. Bring a water bottle for your pet: You can also bring a water bottle to keep your pet hydrated throughout the day.

  4. Give your pet rest: Some activities can be exhausting for your furry friend, so giving them plenty of rest at various times will allow your pet to enjoy their travels.

  5. Bring Xili Hygiene Pet Pads: If your furry is small, you can prepare a transport bag for him, put the pet pad inside, and keep the bag clean. Also, when staying in a hotel, pet pads can also provide your furry with a place to pee.

On the other hand, if your pet can't be with you, you can take it to a nursery where they'll give it all the attention and care it needs. Choose a place that instills confidence and guarantees your furry will be healthy and happy during their stay.


We know you will miss your pet so much, so you can ask them to send you photos and videos of your pet's daily activities during the day.

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