Five diaper replacement skills
2022-12-05 22:00
Five diaper replacement skills
1. Always monitor your baby's urine and poop
Urbanity and stool are important indicators of changes in the health status of infants.
Pay attention to any changes in baby urination and poop -frequency, texture, color and quantity.
If the baby peees less or causes hard stools, it may be a sign of dehydration.
2. Lightly shoot!
To avoid rubbing the skin, please lightly pat the area of staining. If the stool sticks to the baby's butt, soften it with a cotton pad, wipe it with warm water, and then wipe it.
3. Humidity is the enemy at the bottom!
Baby sweat -a lot! Moreover, when they just pee, the humidity level inside the baby's diaper can reach up to 80 % or more.
When the skin is so humid, it will cause skin wrinkles and sensitive to stimulation. Before wearing a new diaper for the baby, wait until his bottom is completely dry. Occasionally giving the baby some "bare metal" will also be a good thing. Let him "have no diapers" for a while, so that his diaper area has the opportunity to "breathe".
4. Talk to your baby and give a lot of love
When you change your baby's diaper, you can massage your legs gently. Talk to your baby, say "you have peeing; great" and the like. "You are clean now!" It's really good to wear a clean diapers, don't you? "Baby will like it, and many skin contact can also relax mother and baby.
5. Eye communication.
Newborn babies can see 30 centimeters. When you change your baby's diaper, remember to look at the baby's eyes and smile while talking. Babies are highly sensitive to their parents. Make the baby safely and relax by using love shower.
Remember to smile!
Parenting (including changing diapers) does not always go smoothly according to our wishes. Even if you may not do everything perfectly, it is good. Just remember that if you do something perfect for the first time, then you can be next time. Babies like to see you happy!
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